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Creating, Editing, and Deleting Bills

The Finance module includes the ability to create and manage bills. Along with the ability to apply payments to the bills.

Creating a Quote

  1. Navigate to the Finance > Bills

A screenshot of the user navigating to the "Bills" table in Rapid Standard. The user has pressed the "Finance" folder, which has an icon of a stack of cash. They have then pressed the "Bills" table menu button, which has an icon of a long slip of paper with a checkmark in the lower-right corner. The screenshot is annotated with red boxes to highlight where the user has clicked.

  1. Click on New Bill.

A screenshot depicting the appearance and location of the "New Bill" button in the Command Bar of the "Bills" table. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the button.

  1. Enter all relevant details
Required Fields

The following fields are required: Date, Customer, Include Tax on Bill Lines, and Status

A screenshot of the "New Bill" create screen. The "New Bill" create screen contains the following fields: Date, Due Date, Supplier, Include Tax on Bill Lines, Status, Reference.

  1. Click on + Create or Create and Open.

A screenshot depicting the location and appearance of the "Create" and "Create and Open" buttons at the top of the "New Bill" create screen. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of these buttons.

  1. Halfway down the page click New Bill Line. (This is where you add all the individual line items).

A screenshot of a Bill item page, with the user clicking on the "New Bill Line" button in the middle of the page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the "New Bill Line."

  1. Enter all relevant details
Bill Lines
  • The following fields are required: Qty and Unit Price
  • By default, there is a 10% Tax rate on Bill lines to account for GST, this can be changed to no tax (NA), a fixed tax amount (Fixed), or a fixed tax amount per unit (Fixed per Qty) by adjusting the choice in the Tax Category Field.
  • A discount can be applied on each line item as a fixed amount (Discount Amount) or as a percentage (Discount Percentage)

A screenshot of the "New Bill Line" create screen, and its relevant fields. The following fields can be seen: Qty, Unit Price, Description, Discount Amount, Discount Rate, Tax Amount Percentage, Tax Amount Fixed.

  1. Click + Create or Create and Open

Press Create Bill Line

  1. Follow steps 5 – 7 for each additional bill line you wish to create.

Editing a Bill

  1. Navigate to the Finance > Bills

A screenshot of the user navigating to the "Bills" table in Rapid Standard. The user has pressed the "Finance" folder, which has an icon of a stack of cash. They have then pressed the "Bills" table menu button, which has an icon of a long slip of paper with a checkmark in the lower-right corner. The screenshot is annotated with red boxes to highlight where the user has clicked.

  1. Open the bill you wish to edit either by scrolling through the list or using the search bar.

A screenshot of the user searching for a particular bill. In the screenshot, the user has searched for "18" in the search filter, and this has produced an item at the top of the list that reads: "BILL - 00000018". Both the search filter and the title of the bill that has been found are annotated with a red box to draw the reader's attention to them.

  1. Edit any relevant fields on the bill page as needed.
Editing Bill Lines

If you wish to edit the bill lines simply find the bill line you wish to edit. Click on the title, edit the any relevant fields, and then press Save and Close.

A screenshot of the Bill page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to draw the reader's attention to the main form section of the bill item page.

  1. Once you have finished editing press Save or Save and Close

A screenshot showing the location of the "Save" and "Save and Close" buttons at the top of the bill item page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of these buttons.

Deleting a Bill

It is not recommended to delete a bill instead, change its status to VOIDED. This way you can maintain a record of all Bills.

However, if you need to delete a Bill due to incorrect data entry or a duplicate entry, you can do so as described below.

  1. Navigate to the Finance > Bills

A screenshot of the user navigating to the "Bills" table in Rapid Standard. The user has pressed the "Finance" folder, which has an icon of a stack of cash. They have then pressed the "Bills" table menu button, which has an icon of a long slip of paper with a checkmark in the lower-right corner. The screenshot is annotated with red boxes to highlight where the user has clicked.

  1. Select the bills you wish to delete by pressing their selection circles, or clicking and dragging across multiple rows

A screenshot of the user selecting two bills. Two items in the row have been selected, and this is denoted by the black selection circles on the far left of the item. These circles contain a white checkmark. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight these selection circles.

  1. Press Delete X Bills

A screenshot of the "Delete X Bills" button at the top of the "Bills" data table. The button has a red icon of a trash can, and a red label that reads "Delete 2 Bill". This is because there are two items selected in the data table underneath the button. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the button.